is turning THREE! I can't believe it's been 3years and let me tell you, it has been an AWESOME 3y full of education, fun and friends. Everyone there is *AMAZING* and I've made life-long friends there. Truly that place has changed my life forever! <3
So.....Please join us for challenges with prizes and 20% off the shop!!! Who doesn't LOVE a sale!!! :D
If you are joining the bloghop with my blog as the first stop, please go back to the beginning and start with the amazing Jessica's blog! My blog and freebie is the last stop in this bloghop!
......and now on to the freebie! I have created a quickpage using the "you are awesome" collab kit from designers! Hope you enjoy! sorry, link has expired.
Remember to start at Jessica's so you don't miss any fabulous freebies!! :)
{If you DID start at the beginning and this IS your last stop, THANK YOU for joining us in this awesome 3rd birthday celebration!} ......and remember "YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!"
xo shell